The ENRIITC Survey

Thank you for your participation and contribution!

The survey officially ended on the 31st of July, and we are pleased to announce that it has ended with exceptional participation, exceeding our target thresholds for both questionnaires! The ILO questionnaire received 45 responses from 20 EU countries, while the ICO questionnaire received 51 responses, covering all 7 ESFRI domains. The WP2 team will now begin the analysis process.

See below a first look at the results!

The Purpose of the Survey

ENRIITC will build a permanent pan-European network of Industry Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) and enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, supplier or a co-creator.

An important first move in this process is mapping the key element to enact the envisaged collaborative framework between the ESFRI RIs and industry players to bring technological innovation about. For this purpose, ENRIITC conducted a survey in the form of two questionnaires, one addressing ILOs and the other addressing ICOs.

  • The Industry Liaison Officer – ILOs are usually based at government agencies, with a main role to ensure financial return on the national investment in Research Infrastructures, while also stimulating and facilitating contracts between these and national industries;
  • The Industry Contact Officer – ICOs are typically employed at the Research Infrastructure, with a responsibility for increasing the use of the RI by the private sector and for developing business and partnering relationships with potential industrial Users and Co-Creators of innovative products, processes and services.

ILOs and ICOs participation was extremely valuable, as their answers to the questionnaires are being used to develop an effective strategy and methodology to establish, train and empower an effective pan-European network of coordinated RI ILOs and ICOs; one that will truly take RI-Industry dialogues to a new level.

Being successful in this study will lay the foundation for the establishment of cross-border partnerships between Industry and RIs, unlocking underexploited innovation potential among industrial actors across Europe therefore maximising societal and economic benefits across the whole innovation value chain.

In short, the survey aimed to:

  1. Map the “Industry as an RI supplier” relationship, Including key actors, sectors, technologies and competencies;
  2. Investigate the nature and extent of access and usage by companies of the RI services and products;
  3. Analyse the choice and effectiveness of current ILO and ICO performance indicators;
  4. Seek to gain better insight from real-life experiences of what really drives or hinders the development of closer Industry collaboration with RIs, be it of industry as a supplier or as a user.

Additional Information

The survey questionnaires are made up of different sections and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The results of the survey will be made available publicly by ENRIITC in the form of online, graphically-rendered summaries of the information garnered, including statistics related to the geography, sectors, market objects, technologies and competences flagged by respondents.

The privacy and anonymity of respondents will be protected at all times, both during and after the course of the survey. All answers will be treated confidentially and will be statistically processed. Results will be anonymised and presented at the aggregate level only.

Should you have any requests for clarification, please contact