#ENRIITCyourCoffee S4:E7 on the EPOS EPISODES Platform

Welcome to the recap of the #ENRIITCyourCoffee Season 4: Episode 7 “EPISODES – a European platform for analysing human-activity induced earth tremors”, which gave us insights into the EPOS TCS AH platform. The presenters for the session were:

  • Ian Stimpson, Senior Lecturer in Geophysics at Keele University and vice-chair of the EPOS TCS AH consortium board
  • Savka Dineva, Professor of Mining and Rock Engineering at Luleå University of Technology and TCS AH’s Lead for Projects and Partnership
  • Glenda Jones, Research and Teaching Fellow at Keele University from the TCS AH Promotion and Dissemination Team

Ian kicked-off the session by giving the participants a general overview of EPOS (European Plate Observing System) and EPOS ERIC. EPOS is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure (RI) that ensures sustainable and universal use and re-use of multidisciplinary solid Earth science data and products fostering state-of-the-art research and innovation. EPOS is a part of the ERIC consortium and, under the EPOS ERIC title, aims to facilitate research through its integrated core services (ICS) giving access to thematic core services (TCS) from the underlying RIs at different levels.

Ian then went on to explain the EPOS TCS AH and its platform called EPISODES.

The EPOS TCS AH (Thematic Core Service for Anthropogenic Hazards) is a consortium of national research institutes, universities and industry, and is the applied, induced seismicity component of EPOS. Its overarching goal is to establish a comprehensive multidisciplinary research platform for the Earth Sciences in Europe with an open data management plan based on FAIRR principles.

EPISODES is TCS AH’s platform that provides collections of seismic data for induced earthquakes resulting from a wide variety of industrial processes, together with associated information such as industrial production data, ground deformation determined from satellite observations, etc., as well as built-in computer applications to aggregate and analyse the data. Registration for the EPISODES platform is free and provides a workspace for processing the data online as well as the ability to download data for offline processing. The data and applications can be used by researchers, industry, education and the general public for a wide variety of uses.

Throughout the presentation, Ian showcased some of the interesting and immensely useful features that the platform offers. Watch the recording below to see this demonstration, as well as to hear the discussion he and his colleagues had with the session participants where they went into more detail on, for example, how the data is collected, how it can be used and shared, how they track how the data is used, and much more! The discussion starts at minute 21:00.