MOSBRI calling the INFRAIA funded projects to join ICRI2022 side event

In preparation for the ICRI2022 congress (Brno, 19-21 October 2022; and the given opportunity to organise a side event, MOSBRI infrastructure (, together with several Horizon2020-funded INFRAIA research infrastructures, has successfully proposed to the conference organisers to set-up a side event on the topic “Mid and long-term sustainability of Horizon2020-funded INFRAIA Research Infrastructures”.

The objective is to bring together many “starting” and “advanced” community Horizon2020-funded research infrastructures, together with stakeholders from the European Commission and ESFRI, and representatives of authorities responsible of the national roadmaps for research infrastructures.

The side event will include a small number of preliminary presentations, followed by a round table allowing everyone to participate to the discussion and brainstorming on this topic of general interest.

MOSBRI Scientific coordinator, Patrick England, invites you to reach out directly to him ( expressing your interest to participate in this bottom-up event either in person or on line before 24 March.

More information on MOSBRI can be found here: