Entries by Jake Fairnie

ENRIITCyourCoffee Season 1: Episode 3 – “How should RIs be organized internally to promote an innovation mentality?”

We had a fantastic discussion in the #ENRIITCyourCoffee session today hosted by Nikolaj Zangenberg, who is the Centre Manager at DTI, the Industrial Liaison Officer for CERN and XFEL, and the Purchasing Advisor for ESRF. He is also leading ENRIITC WP3 “Development and Refining of Strategies for Innovation, Training and Outreach“. Nikolaj started the session […]

ENRIITCyourCoffee Season 1: Episode 2 -“How ILOs and ICOs can collaborate: the ICO perspective”

We had a fantastic discussion in the #ENRIITCyourCoffee session today hosted by Chris Tieken, Business Development Manager at EATRIS. Chris expertly navigated a conversation that covered questions like “What does a RI offer to industry?” and “How do you promote/reach out to industry?” There was also an exchange about whether academia and industry have different […]

ENRIITCyourCoffee session on the ILO perspective

Our new #ENRIITCyourCoffee mini-webinar series has launched with an engaging session about how ICOs and ILOs can collaborate. Coordinator of the Network of Industry Liaison Officers in the Netherlands – Gerard Cornet – expertly hosted the session. Gerard, who is part of the ENRIITC consortium, gave an interactive presentation where 26 members of the session […]

#ENRIITCyourCoffee series launches TODAY!

Our new mini-webinar series called #ENRIITCyourCoffee launches today! Episode one: “How ICOs and ILOs can collaborate: the ILO perspective” will take place today, 17 November at 11:00 – 11:20 CET, and will be led by Gerard Cornet, Coordinator of the Network of Industry Liaison Officers in the Netherlands. Didn’t manage to register in time? Don’t fret! You […]

Launching new mini-webinar series: #ENRIITCyourCoffee

We are launching a new series of mini-webinars called #ENRIITCyourCoffee. It will be 20 minutes where members of the ENRIITC community can join together virtually to network, learn, collaborate and stay connected. Each session will cover one topic that will be briefly introduced by that week’s host, followed by an open discussion with the participants. […]